2024 MUTEK Montréal

非常高兴能与大家分享我们最近在@mutekmontreal 2024 演出的视听现场照片。对我和刘晓江而言,这是一个等待已久的回归时刻。因为我们的演出原计划是 2020 年在 Mutek 举行,但由于种种原因而推迟了。但在今年我们终于能够与来自世界各地的一些老朋友重聚,并结识了许多新朋友,共创更多艺术的可能性。感谢 Mutek 团队付出,同时也很高兴有这么多喜欢我们作品的观众!
Super excited to share our recent audio visual live sets photo documents from @mutekmontreal 2024. What an amazing and reuniting moment for me and Lawrence to back to international family of new media art. It’s a long waited moment comeback since the original plan for our show is 2020 Mutek and delayed for the reason obviously. We finally able to reunite some of the old friends from the rest of world and make a lot of new friends for the bright future. We deeply feel humbled and grateful for the great effort from Mutek team and so happy we found so many audiences that enjoy the art we create.We will keep making best top notch content as we could in our rest of life and keep presenting it to the rest of !

照片由 @kinga.mi.666 和 @viven.gaumand 提供
<Palindrome Codex>是一件视听装置作品,它挑战了线性时间概念,编织了一幅身临其境的挂毯,在这里,人们既可以正向体验时间的流动,也可以反向体验时间的流动。这件作品从萨托方碑神秘的几何图形中汲取灵感,创造出令人着迷的视听景观。它利用创新的人工智能技术,制作出闪烁、错乱的视觉效果,并与复古未来主义元素和精心创作的配乐交织在一起,与装置的永恒主题产生共鸣。
<Palindrome Codex> is an audio-visual installation that challenges the notion of linear time, weaving an immersive tapestry where one can experience the flow of time both forwards and backwards. The work draws inspiration from the enigmatic geometry of the Sartor Square monument to create a mesmerising audio-visual landscape. It utilises innovative artificial intelligence techniques to produce shimmering, dislocated visuals, interwoven with retro-futuristic elements and an elaborate soundtrack that resonates with the timeless themes of the installation.

照片由 @kinga.mi.666 和 @viven.gaumand 提供
除了艺术表现形式之外,<Palindrome Codex> 还是对时间和存在的深刻探索。通过将古老的象征意义与尖端技术相融合,它提供了一种反思和超越的体验,在这种体验中,开始与结束融为一体,成为一个永恒的连续体。作为新媒体艺术无限创造力和智慧深度的证明,这件装置作品给人留下了难忘的印象,吸引观众去思考时间和永恒的奥秘。
Beyond artistic expression, <Palindrome Codex> is a profound exploration of time and existence. By fusing ancient symbolism with cutting-edge technology, it offers a reflective and transcendent experience in which beginnings and endings merge into a timeless continuum. As a testament to the infinite creativity and intellectual depth of new media art, this installation leaves an unforgettable impression and draws the viewer into contemplating the mysteries of time and eternity.

< Palindrome Codex 回文法典> 突破了在现场视听演出中使用科技的界限。灵感来自萨托方碑——一个古代记录的物理回文符号——该作品探索了人工智能、故障视觉效果和复杂几何图形的交汇,并伴随着电子室内乐的配乐。在一个反复出现的时钟指引下,观众经历了一场穿越时间的旅程,游历于摩天大楼、古代城市、旋转的迷宫楼梯以及其他复古未来主义的场景。演出以平静和沉思的氛围结束,令观众深思时间这一概念。
With their Palindrome Codex show, the Hong Kong-based duo pushed the boundaries of using tech in live settings and audiovisual shows. Inspired by the Sator Square – one of the first documented physical palindromes from ancient times – it explores artificial intelligence with glitchy visuals, strange geometry, and a piece of electronic chamber music. Guided by a reappearing clock, the audience time-traveled through skyscrapers, ancient cities, swirling labyrinthian staircases and other retro-futuristic decor, before a calming and contemplative finish left us thinking about the construct of time itself.

MUTEK 位于蒙特利尔,是一个享誉国际的音乐节,专注于推广电子音乐和数字艺术。它展示前卫的表演、装置和艺术与科技结合的创新项目,探索艺术、音乐与数字文化的交叉点。作为一个平台,MUTEK 成为创作者探索声音、光线和数字媒介的重要空间,以其精心策划的实验性项目和让艺术家、技术人员与观众交汇的环境而闻名。
MUTEK, located in Montreal, is an internationally renowned festival focused on promoting electronic music and digital arts. It showcases avant-garde performances, installations, and technological innovations that intersect art, music, and digital culture. As a platform, MUTEK has become a significant space for creators exploring sound, light, and digital media. It is known for curating experimental projects and fostering an environment where artists, technologists, and audiences converge to explore new artistic expressions.