
该系列作品采用开源卫星地形数据,基于全球经纬度数据的实时输入,构建了动态生成的地形线框模型,嵌入高度精细的实时渲染技术。This series employs open-source satellite topographic data, dynamically generating a wireframe terrain model based on real-time geographical latitude and longitude inputs.

通过算法驱动的地貌解析和模拟机制(涵盖光影、海浪等自然动态),艺术家进行数据的重构与解构,将自然地貌的生成性与计算机视觉语言结合,形成具有数据驱动特征的极简主义山水范式。Through the integration of advanced algorithms—rendering simulations of phenomena such as light, shadow, and ocean waves—the artist reconstructs and recontextualizes these elements to produce a minimalist, data-driven landscape that embodies a contemporary reinterpretation of traditional Chinese aesthetics.

In Coordinates of Flow and Summit: QianHai, the geographic latitude and longitude of the QianHai Horoy Center are mapped down to the precise second. Using this architectural landmark as a central axis, the work redraws a landscape representation spanning a 300-kilometer depth of the Greater Bay Area’s topography.

The geographical coordinates are inscribed on the surface in the traditional form of Chinese landscape painting inscriptions, merging data visualization with a classical aesthetic approach. Through algorithmic simulations of ocean waves and dynamic lighting, the artwork redefines and reimagines the Chinese spirit of landscape painting, merging it with real-time high-definition rendering technologies.

This experimental practice not only deconstructs and reinterprets the spiritual essence of Chinese landscape traditions but also infuses it with the capabilities of big data visualization and real-time rendering techniques.

The work attempts to inject a new dimension into the “landscape spirit” of Chinese culture, offering a recontextualized perspective where technological logic and humanistic reflection coexist in harmony.